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Saturday 25 May 2019

Best treatment plans for the signs of severe asthma inhalers and medications |health insurance | asthma medications

4 Dietary Advice for Asthma Relief 
..A Mediterranean diet rich in fish, fiber and fruits and vegetables can improve asthma. ..

Health Care gives you 5 dietary advice to improve the symptoms of asthma, a respiratory disease usually occurring in people with allergic terrain and affecting about 300 million people worldwide. According to an estimate by the Global Initiative for Asthma in 2025, an additional 100 million people will suffer from asthma.
..1. Increase fiber intake ..
Fiber supplementation can improve the symptoms of asthma by stimulating the gut microbiota. These results were presented by Australian researchers at the 2017 annual meeting of the Thoracic Society for Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ). In this study, asthmatics received a daily supplement of inulin, a soluble fiber. The researchers then studied changes in asthma control, lung function, and gut microbiota. Fiber supplements have been found to modify the gut microbiota, which has a beneficial effect on asthma control and also reduces airway inflammation. Supplementation was all the more effective when asthma was poorly controlled at the beginning of the procedure.

Inulin is mainly found in chicory, endive but also in bananas, onions, leeks, beets ....
..2. Limit meat and dairy products ..
The same researchers have shown that a single meal high in saturated fats can increase inflammation and worsen asthma symptoms (coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness) due to a temporary narrowing of the airways that transmit oxygen to the lungs. It is therefore better to limit saturated fats found in animal fats such as meat and dairy products. Studies show that high meat consumption is linked to an increased risk of asthma.
..3. Eat oily fish ..
Increasing its intake of oily fish - salmon, trout, sardines - as part of a Mediterranean diet can also help decrease the symptoms of asthma. These results come from a clinical trial published in October 2018 in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

In this study, 64 children aged 5 to 12 years and suffering from mild asthma followed either a Mediterranean diet enriched in oily fish (150 grams twice a week of cooked fish), or their usual diet. The intervention lasted 6 months.

The results show that children with asthma who followed a Mediterranean diet enriched in oily fish have an improved lung function after 6 months, thanks in particular to the omega-3 fatty acids that are present in oily fish and have anti-inflammatory properties. . Increasing the intake of omega-3 helps restore the omega-6 / omega-3 ratio, which has a beneficial effect on the symptoms of asthma.

In practice, according to the results of the study, eating fatty fish twice a week can significantly reduce lung inflammation and reduce asthma symptoms.

A 2018 meta-analysis confirms the benefits of childhood fish consumption for asthma. Researchers show that early introduction of fish (6-9 months) and regular consumption of fish of all kinds (at least once a week) reduce wheezing and asthma in children under 4 years of age and half. In this study, the benefits of eating oily fish are visible in older children (8-14 years).

..4. Adopt a diet rich in potassium and magnesium ..
Asthma is accompanied by metabolic acidosis. The acidosis that characterizes severe seizures must be corrected and for this reason doctors usually administer potassium bicarbonate as an infusion. Magnesium is also administered by infusion and by inhalation. Apart from asthma attacks, a diet rich in minerals can be useful. Studies indicate that people who consume less potassium and magnesium breathe less overall than those who consume the most. They also have a higher risk of asthma. Asthmatics and people with respiratory problems should consume in sufficient quantities foods rich in potassium and magnesium such as fruits, vegetables, fish. Studies of magnesium supplementation in asthmatic patients have yielded contradictory results, and do not allow to conclude that these supplements are beneficial (apart from deficit situations); but we still lack data.

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