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Sunday 22 September 2019

How Much Water To drink Daily & Benefits of drinking water Regularly 2019

How Much Water Should I drink A Day And What Are the Benefits OF Drinking Water Regularly.....?
Everyone knows how important it is, but by no means does everyone get it: drinking enough daily. Those who find it hard to come up with the recommended amount of fluid per day can help with a simple method.

How much fluid does the body use per day?
Actually, my first insight put a damper on me: The two-liter rule was baseless. There is even whole research that looked for a basis for these rules and found nothing.

Well, how such things sometimes spread. Next stop: German Nutrition Society. She turned the tables and examined how much fluid the body consumes per day. After all, you have to fill up this loss again, is the theory. For me a convincing thesis and the bill looks like this:

An adult consumes 2.65 liters of fluid a day. With a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits, he consumes 0.875 liters of food. Another 0.335 liters are so-called oxidation water, ie liquid, which is also obtained during the processing of food. Remain 1.44 liters, you have to drink, as in about one and a half liters per day. A guideline that you can work with.

An adult human needs to drink an average of 1.5 liters of water a day.

1.5 liters as a basic value sounds plausible and should also please those who struggle with drinking. The only problem with that is that, as with many nutritional recommendations, it is a rule of thumb. After all, how much fluid a person actually consumes per day depends on so many factors that there is no overall answer. Age and gender play a role, then the individual genes and not least the level of activity and the susceptibility to sweating.

In the end, the need for fluids is individual and everyone has to find out for himself how to drink in order to feel good. On the other hand, one can recognize from different factors whether one drinks too little.

Put water in the glass, put the glass to the mouth, swallow the water - that's it. The process of fluid intake is not complicated. Nevertheless, many people in Germany drink too little. But we actually know better: According to the findings of the current TC study "Drink What (ser), Germany!" Only seven out of ten adults believe they drink enough to meet their fluid needs every day.


  •  benefits of drinking water
  •  drinking water on an empty stomach
  •  how much water should i drink a day

Stress ensures dry throats
So many people know how important it is to drink enough. But they do not know how to manage to meet their minimum needs. There are plenty of reasons for that. One of the most important: stress. Those who are under constant pressure both privately and professionally often forget to use a glass of water. Just over half of all employees work as the TK study shows.

Speaking of minimum requirements: Two to three liters of liquid should be consumed by healthy adults per day. A good guideline is 35 milliliters per kilogram of body weight, even more so in infants and children.

Even food supplies water
But do not worry: you do not have to drink anything. The body can produce about 300 milliliters in its metabolic processes itself, about one liter of water he gets over solid food. For example, apples, vegetables and potatoes contain about 70 percent water, cucumbers as much as 95 percent. The remaining amount of liquid, about 1.5 liters, you have to take on drinks.

If you take too little liquid, it damages your health. For example the kidneys: they are responsible for transporting waste products out of the body and for that they need fluids. Other consequences of a lack of hydration: The blood becomes thicker and thus burdened the cardiovascular system, and the digestion becomes sluggish.
Drinking muffins: Only six out of ten women manage to meet the daily minimum fluid requirements. At least 73 percent of the men are men.
North-South divide: Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are the most likely to reach the recommended drinking volume. About three out of four people drink at least 1.5 liters a day. In North Rhine-Westphalia and the northern states, on the other hand, only six out of ten people skip this hurdle.
Age-wise wisdom 1: The older the people, the more disciplined the drinking behavior. 73 percent of respondents over the age of 59 said they would drink evenly throughout the day. Of the 18- to 39-year-olds said that only 54 percent.
Age-wise wisdom 2: Sugar-containing soft drinks are especially popular among younger people: 26 percent of respondents said they would like to drink coke or lemonade daily or several times a week. For the over-60s, it was only nine percent.
All results of the drinking study can be viewed here:
Special fluid requirement
In some situations, the need for liquid is even higher. In hot climates, strenuous physical work, sports, fever, vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses more water. In this case, you should drink more than the indicated amounts.

Not enough thirst? Then drink according to plan
Those who find it difficult to drink their 1.5 liters of fluid a day should set up a "drinking schedule". For example, the recommended amount of drink could be achieved as follows:

In the morning: 1 to 2 cups of coffee or tea
Morning: 1 glass of juice, buttermilk or whey
Lunch: 1 cup of soup or broth; 1 glass of mineral water or juice spritzer
Afternoon: 1 cup of coffee, 1 glass of water
In the evening: 1 to 2 cups of fruit / herbal tea; 1 glass of water
Or as an app
Of course it's even easier with the smartphone. There are a number of apps to remind you when it's time for a glass of water. With the search terms "water", "drink" and "remember" you will receive a series of hits.

The best thirst quencher
Tap water, mineral, spring and bottled water. Tap water can be consumed in Germany without hesitation because it must meet legally defined, analytically controllable requirements. Anyone who fears health impairments caused by lead pipes can have water samples taken by the responsible water works.
Unsweetened fruit and herbal teas
Vegetable and fruit juices. Incidentally, they still provide important vitamins and minerals. Fruit juices naturally also contain a lot of sugar. That's why it's good to dilute it with water. Juice and mineral water should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 3 to 1: 4.
                    HAVE A HEALTHY AND SAFE LIFE...

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