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Saturday 21 September 2019

Blood Pressure Treatment Guidelines Can Blood Pressure Cause Headaches

  • Signs of high blood pressure causes and medication high blood pressure diet,high blood pressure rang
  • Can Blood Pressure Cause Headaches
  • Blood Pressure Treatment Guidelines 

High Blood Pressure is Also Known As Hypertension
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the many affluent diseases that are often caused by our diet and lifestyle habits. As well as high blood sugar, increased blood lipids and smoking, high blood pressure is also bad for the vessels and favors the development of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

Often there are not just individual illnesses, but a combination of obesity, high blood sugar, increased blood lipids and high blood pressure. If all four are present, then one speaks of the 'metabolic syndrome'.

Hypertension usually does not trigger any direct symptoms. In the long term, however, it can - depending on the severity of hypertension - come to organ damage. First signs may be dizziness, headache or blurred vision.
Hypertension is common. If left untreated, there may be a stroke, heart attack or heart failure. We explain what symptoms are first warning signs and how hypertension can be treated.
Hypertension: These symptoms are warning signs
According to the German Heart Foundation between seven and ten million people in Germany do not know that they are affected by hypertension. "People with high blood pressure are often sick, who feel well," writes the Stiftung Warentest in her guidebook "Hypertension - Prevention, Recognition, Treatment." An excessively high blood pressure is dangerous in the long term, as it is the most common risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. However, sometimes the blood pressure sends warning signs.
Diagnosis: People with hypertension often feel fit
It is typical for hypertension that he often goes unnoticed. This is because he brings no pain and is not felt by the patients, warns the German Heart Foundation. On the contrary, people with high blood pressure often feel particularly fit and capable.

They are less tired and more involved in life. High blood pressure often only occurs when it causes damage to the organs. Only then does he become aware of the patients.

Treatment: Healthy lifestyle lowers the risk
In 90 to 95 percent of cases, no clear cause of high blood pressure can be identified. Nevertheless, there are certain risk factors. Medical experts suspect that in addition to genetic factors and an unhealthy lifestyle plays a major role. Thus, overweight as well as stress, lack of sleep or alcohol can increase blood pressure. Too much salt and lack of exercise increase the risk considerably.

In five to ten percent of patients, a specific trigger can be found, for example, kidney damage, hormonal disorders or the intake of medication. While fewer women than men develop hypertension in younger adulthood, the number of women with hypertension increases after the age of 50 and approaches the number of men affected. The reason for this is the hormone change in the menopause.
Precaution: Measure regularly from 40 blood pressure
In order to recognize the risk of hypertension in time, everyone should know his blood pressure. Of particular note is that blood pressure increases with age. The recommendation is therefore to check the blood pressure at least once a year from 40 years onwards. From the age of 50 you should do that even twice a year, and those who have high blood pressure in their close relatives should have their blood pressure regularly measured at 30 or earlier.

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