Health Care Clinic




Saturday 12 June 2021


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Tuesday 24 September 2019


snacks for evening recipe | recipe of india

Ingredients: ( for#1- chana (chickpea) snacks)
1/2 cups - chana / chickpea ( soaked )
1 cup - water 
pinch - turmeric powder
pinch - pepper powder
Salt to taste

  • STEP 1  get ready with all the indredients
  • STEP 2  

  • into a saucepan add 1/2 cup soaked chana, 1 cup 

water pinch of salt pepper and  turmeric powder

  • STEP 3 
  • cover heat on high and bring it to a boil
  • STEP 4
  •   once it boil reduce to medium -low ('#3' on numbered cooktops ) and cook for 20 minutes

one ready strian the chana and place in a bowl
serve when slightly warm
                                 Recipe 2

Aval ( Brown poha) Snacks
Ingredients: ( for#2 - aval (brown poha ) snacks)
1cup aval / brown poha ( flattened rice )
1/2 cup coconut ( grated)
1/4 cup cashew nuts (chopped)
1tbsp ghee
1tbsp jaggery or raw sugar (add to taste)
2 - cardamom ( or a pinch of cardamom powder)
Note: Aval/ poha means 'flattened rice'
STEP 1 get ready with all the ingredients..

Wash the aval/poha in a bowl of water and filter
using a colander/strainer
head a pan and add 1 tbsp ghee
STEP 4  
add 1/4 cup chopped cashew and fry until golden
add 2 carrdamom and cook for 5 seconds
STEP 6  
add the aval /poha and cook for 3 minutes on medium low heat (keep mixing)
STEP 7 add 1 tbsp jaggery or raw sugar 1/4 cup grated cocnut mic for a minute and turn off the heat
place 1/2 cup of poha mix into a bowl
serve when warm

Sunday 22 September 2019


How Much Water To drink Daily & Benefits of drinking water Regularly 2019

How Much Water Should I drink A Day And What Are the Benefits OF Drinking Water Regularly.....?
Everyone knows how important it is, but by no means does everyone get it: drinking enough daily. Those who find it hard to come up with the recommended amount of fluid per day can help with a simple method.

How much fluid does the body use per day?
Actually, my first insight put a damper on me: The two-liter rule was baseless. There is even whole research that looked for a basis for these rules and found nothing.

Well, how such things sometimes spread. Next stop: German Nutrition Society. She turned the tables and examined how much fluid the body consumes per day. After all, you have to fill up this loss again, is the theory. For me a convincing thesis and the bill looks like this:

An adult consumes 2.65 liters of fluid a day. With a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits, he consumes 0.875 liters of food. Another 0.335 liters are so-called oxidation water, ie liquid, which is also obtained during the processing of food. Remain 1.44 liters, you have to drink, as in about one and a half liters per day. A guideline that you can work with.

An adult human needs to drink an average of 1.5 liters of water a day.

1.5 liters as a basic value sounds plausible and should also please those who struggle with drinking. The only problem with that is that, as with many nutritional recommendations, it is a rule of thumb. After all, how much fluid a person actually consumes per day depends on so many factors that there is no overall answer. Age and gender play a role, then the individual genes and not least the level of activity and the susceptibility to sweating.

In the end, the need for fluids is individual and everyone has to find out for himself how to drink in order to feel good. On the other hand, one can recognize from different factors whether one drinks too little.

Put water in the glass, put the glass to the mouth, swallow the water - that's it. The process of fluid intake is not complicated. Nevertheless, many people in Germany drink too little. But we actually know better: According to the findings of the current TC study "Drink What (ser), Germany!" Only seven out of ten adults believe they drink enough to meet their fluid needs every day.


  •  benefits of drinking water
  •  drinking water on an empty stomach
  •  how much water should i drink a day

Stress ensures dry throats
So many people know how important it is to drink enough. But they do not know how to manage to meet their minimum needs. There are plenty of reasons for that. One of the most important: stress. Those who are under constant pressure both privately and professionally often forget to use a glass of water. Just over half of all employees work as the TK study shows.

Speaking of minimum requirements: Two to three liters of liquid should be consumed by healthy adults per day. A good guideline is 35 milliliters per kilogram of body weight, even more so in infants and children.

Even food supplies water
But do not worry: you do not have to drink anything. The body can produce about 300 milliliters in its metabolic processes itself, about one liter of water he gets over solid food. For example, apples, vegetables and potatoes contain about 70 percent water, cucumbers as much as 95 percent. The remaining amount of liquid, about 1.5 liters, you have to take on drinks.

If you take too little liquid, it damages your health. For example the kidneys: they are responsible for transporting waste products out of the body and for that they need fluids. Other consequences of a lack of hydration: The blood becomes thicker and thus burdened the cardiovascular system, and the digestion becomes sluggish.
Drinking muffins: Only six out of ten women manage to meet the daily minimum fluid requirements. At least 73 percent of the men are men.
North-South divide: Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are the most likely to reach the recommended drinking volume. About three out of four people drink at least 1.5 liters a day. In North Rhine-Westphalia and the northern states, on the other hand, only six out of ten people skip this hurdle.
Age-wise wisdom 1: The older the people, the more disciplined the drinking behavior. 73 percent of respondents over the age of 59 said they would drink evenly throughout the day. Of the 18- to 39-year-olds said that only 54 percent.
Age-wise wisdom 2: Sugar-containing soft drinks are especially popular among younger people: 26 percent of respondents said they would like to drink coke or lemonade daily or several times a week. For the over-60s, it was only nine percent.
All results of the drinking study can be viewed here:
Special fluid requirement
In some situations, the need for liquid is even higher. In hot climates, strenuous physical work, sports, fever, vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses more water. In this case, you should drink more than the indicated amounts.

Not enough thirst? Then drink according to plan
Those who find it difficult to drink their 1.5 liters of fluid a day should set up a "drinking schedule". For example, the recommended amount of drink could be achieved as follows:

In the morning: 1 to 2 cups of coffee or tea
Morning: 1 glass of juice, buttermilk or whey
Lunch: 1 cup of soup or broth; 1 glass of mineral water or juice spritzer
Afternoon: 1 cup of coffee, 1 glass of water
In the evening: 1 to 2 cups of fruit / herbal tea; 1 glass of water
Or as an app
Of course it's even easier with the smartphone. There are a number of apps to remind you when it's time for a glass of water. With the search terms "water", "drink" and "remember" you will receive a series of hits.

The best thirst quencher
Tap water, mineral, spring and bottled water. Tap water can be consumed in Germany without hesitation because it must meet legally defined, analytically controllable requirements. Anyone who fears health impairments caused by lead pipes can have water samples taken by the responsible water works.
Unsweetened fruit and herbal teas
Vegetable and fruit juices. Incidentally, they still provide important vitamins and minerals. Fruit juices naturally also contain a lot of sugar. That's why it's good to dilute it with water. Juice and mineral water should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 3 to 1: 4.
                    HAVE A HEALTHY AND SAFE LIFE...

Saturday 21 September 2019


Blood Pressure Treatment Guidelines Can Blood Pressure Cause Headaches

  • Signs of high blood pressure causes and medication high blood pressure diet,high blood pressure rang
  • Can Blood Pressure Cause Headaches
  • Blood Pressure Treatment Guidelines 

High Blood Pressure is Also Known As Hypertension
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the many affluent diseases that are often caused by our diet and lifestyle habits. As well as high blood sugar, increased blood lipids and smoking, high blood pressure is also bad for the vessels and favors the development of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

Often there are not just individual illnesses, but a combination of obesity, high blood sugar, increased blood lipids and high blood pressure. If all four are present, then one speaks of the 'metabolic syndrome'.

Hypertension usually does not trigger any direct symptoms. In the long term, however, it can - depending on the severity of hypertension - come to organ damage. First signs may be dizziness, headache or blurred vision.
Hypertension is common. If left untreated, there may be a stroke, heart attack or heart failure. We explain what symptoms are first warning signs and how hypertension can be treated.
Hypertension: These symptoms are warning signs
According to the German Heart Foundation between seven and ten million people in Germany do not know that they are affected by hypertension. "People with high blood pressure are often sick, who feel well," writes the Stiftung Warentest in her guidebook "Hypertension - Prevention, Recognition, Treatment." An excessively high blood pressure is dangerous in the long term, as it is the most common risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. However, sometimes the blood pressure sends warning signs.
Diagnosis: People with hypertension often feel fit
It is typical for hypertension that he often goes unnoticed. This is because he brings no pain and is not felt by the patients, warns the German Heart Foundation. On the contrary, people with high blood pressure often feel particularly fit and capable.

They are less tired and more involved in life. High blood pressure often only occurs when it causes damage to the organs. Only then does he become aware of the patients.

Treatment: Healthy lifestyle lowers the risk
In 90 to 95 percent of cases, no clear cause of high blood pressure can be identified. Nevertheless, there are certain risk factors. Medical experts suspect that in addition to genetic factors and an unhealthy lifestyle plays a major role. Thus, overweight as well as stress, lack of sleep or alcohol can increase blood pressure. Too much salt and lack of exercise increase the risk considerably.

In five to ten percent of patients, a specific trigger can be found, for example, kidney damage, hormonal disorders or the intake of medication. While fewer women than men develop hypertension in younger adulthood, the number of women with hypertension increases after the age of 50 and approaches the number of men affected. The reason for this is the hormone change in the menopause.
Precaution: Measure regularly from 40 blood pressure
In order to recognize the risk of hypertension in time, everyone should know his blood pressure. Of particular note is that blood pressure increases with age. The recommendation is therefore to check the blood pressure at least once a year from 40 years onwards. From the age of 50 you should do that even twice a year, and those who have high blood pressure in their close relatives should have their blood pressure regularly measured at 30 or earlier.

what is yellow fever infection yellow fever treatment and diagnosis

                                      Important fact

Yellow fever is an acute viral bleeding disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The "yellow" in the name of the disease refers to the jaundice that affects some patients.

Symptoms of yellow fever include fever, headache, jaundice, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.
A small percentage of patients infected with the virus will develop severe symptoms, and nearly half of them die within 7-10 days.
The virus is endemic in Africa and tropical regions of Central and South America.
A pandemic can occur if infected people bring the virus into densely populated areas where many people are almost or not immune to vaccination and where mosquito density is high. In this case, the infected mosquito spreads the virus from person to person.
Yellow fever can be prevented by a very effective vaccine, and the vaccine is safe and reasonably priced. A dose of yellow fever vaccine is sufficient to achieve sustained immunity and lifelong protection without the need for continuation of the vaccine. After vaccination, 80%-100% of people get effective immunity within 10 days, and more than 99% get effective immunity within 30 days.
Providing good supportive care in the hospital can improve survival. There are currently no specific antiviral drugs for yellow fever.
The Elimination of Yellow Fever Epidemic Strategy launched in 2017 is an unprecedented major initiative. The Strategic Partnership involves more than 50 partners to support the prevention, detection and response to suspected cases and outbreaks of yellow fever in 40 risk countries in Africa and the Americas. The establishment of this partnership aims to protect the risk population, prevent international communication, and quickly curb the epidemic. By 2026, more than 1 billion people are expected to be protected from yellow fever.
Signs and symptoms
 Once infected, the yellow fever virus lurks in the body for 3 to 6 days. Many people have no symptoms, but if symptoms occur, the most common are fever, muscle pain (especially back pain), headache, loss of appetite, and nausea or vomiting. In most cases, the symptoms disappear after 3 to 4 days.
However, a small percentage of patients entered the second phase of toxicity when they recovered from the initial symptoms. Recurrence of fever, some body systems (usually the liver and kidneys) are affected. At this stage, the patient may have jaundice (yellow skin and eyes, the name of "yellow fever" will come from this), dark urine and abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting. The mouth, nose, eyes or stomach may bleed. Half of the patients entering the toxic phase die within 7-10 days.
Yellow fever is difficult to diagnose, especially in the early stages. Heavier conditions may be confused with severe malaria, leptospirosis, viral hepatitis (especially fulminant), other hemorrhagic fever, other flavivirus infections (such as dengue hemorrhagic fever), and poisoning.

Blood tests (reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)) can sometimes detect viruses at an early stage of the disease. In the later stages of the disease, antibodies are determined by detection (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and plaque reduction neutralization assay (PRNT)).
Risk group
Yellow fever is prevalent in 47 countries (including 34 in Africa and 13 in Central and South America) in countries or parts of the country. According to a simulation study conducted by African data sources, the burden of yellow fever during 2013 was 84,000–170,000 serious cases and 29,000–60,000 deaths.

Travelers who travel to countries with yellow fever occasionally bring the disease to countries where the disease is not available. To prevent this disease entry, many countries require proof of yellow fever vaccination before issuing a visa, especially if the traveler has or has visited a yellow fever endemic area.

In the 17th and 19th centuries, yellow fever was brought to North America and Europe, causing a large-scale epidemic that disrupted the economy and development and sometimes led to the death of large numbers of people.

Yellow fever virus is a flavivirus arbovirus that is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes and the genus Haemophilus. Different species of mosquitoes live in different habitats - some breed around the house (home environment), some breed in the wild jungle, and some can breed in both environments (semi-home environment). There are three types of communication chains:

Forest type (or jungle type) yellow fever: In tropical rain forests, monkeys are the main host of yellow fever, and wild mosquitoes of the genus Aedes and the genus Haemophilus transmit germs between monkeys through bites. People who work or travel in the forest are occasionally bitten by infected mosquitoes and contracted with yellow fever.
Intermediate yellow fever: In this type of transmission, mosquitoes in the semi-home environment (which can breed in the wild and around the house) infect monkeys and humans. More contact between humans and infected mosquitoes leads to increased viral transmission, and many isolated villages in a region may have an outbreak at the same time. This type of outbreak is most common in Africa.
Urban yellow fever: If infected people bring the virus into densely populated areas with high density of Aedes aegypti, many of these people have little or no immunity due to lack of vaccination or previous exposure to yellow fever. A pandemic will happen. In this case, the infected mosquito spreads the virus from person to person.
Providing early good supportive care in the hospital improves survival. At present, there is no specific antiviral drug for yellow fever, but the treatment of dehydration, liver and kidney failure and fever symptoms through specific nursing measures can improve the results. Antibiotics can be used to treat related bacterial infections.
The yellow fever vaccine is safe and reasonably priced, and a single dose of vaccine is sufficient to provide a lifetime protection against the disease without the need for continuation of the vaccine.

Several vaccination strategies have been used to prevent yellow fever and its transmission, including: routine immunization of infants; large-scale vaccination campaigns to increase coverage in risk-prone countries; and vaccination for travelers travelling to areas where yellow fever is endemic .

In high-risk areas with low vaccination coverage, timely identification and control of the epidemic through mass immunization is critical to preventing disease epidemics. To prevent transmission in areas where yellow fever outbreaks occur, most people at risk (over 80%) must be vaccinated.

There are very few reports of serious side effects caused by yellow fever vaccines. In areas where yellow fever is endemic, the incidence of serious adverse events after liver, kidney or nervous system-related immunization is 0 to 0.21 per 10,000 doses of vaccine, and 0.09 to 0.4 per 10,000 doses of vaccine in non-exposure populations. (1)

People over the age of 60 and those with severe immunodeficiency due to symptomatic HIV/AIDS or other causes, or those with thymic disorders, are at higher risk of adverse events following immunization. For those over 60 years of age, the pros and cons should be carefully weighed before vaccination.

People who are not suitable for vaccination usually include:

Infants less than 9 months old;
Pregnant women - except in the case of a yellow fever epidemic with a high risk of infection;
Those who are severely allergic to egg protein; and
People with severe immunodeficiency due to symptomatic HIV/AIDS or other causes, or people with thymic disorders.
According to the International Health Regulations, the State has the right to require travellers to provide proof of vaccination against yellow fever. If the vaccine cannot be vaccinated for physical reasons, it must be certified by the relevant authorities. The International Health Regulations are a legally binding framework designed to stop the spread of infectious diseases and other health threats. It is up to each State Party to decide whether or not to require travellers to provide vaccination certificates. Not all countries currently require proof.

2. Vector control
The risk of yellow fever transmission can be reduced by removing potential mosquito breeding sites, including spraying larvae in water storage containers and other locations with stagnant water.

Vector monitoring and control is an integral part of the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases, especially the control of epidemics. In the prevention and control of yellow fever, monitoring vectors such as Aedes aegypti and other Aedes mosquitoes can help to understand which cities are at risk of an outbreak.

Understanding the distribution of these mosquitoes in the local area will help the country identify areas where disease surveillance and detection and disease vector control actions need to be strengthened. At present, from the perspective of public health and safety, due to the resistance of the main vector to common insecticides and the withdrawal or abandonment of certain pesticides for reasons such as safety or re-registration of high costs, the effective use of adult vectors can be used. Cost-effective pesticides are limited.

Historically, the anti-mosquito campaign has succeeded in eliminating Aedes aegypti, a medium of urban yellow fever, in most parts of Central and South America. However, this mosquito is now re-emerging in urban areas of the region, exacerbating the risk of resurgence of urban yellow fever. Control planning for wild mosquitoes in forest areas is not practical to prevent the spread of jungle-type (or forest-type) yellow fever.

Preventing mosquito bites suggests taking personal precautions such as reducing skin exposure and using insect repellents. Because Aedes mosquitoes usually bite during the day, the use of insecticides to treat mosquito nets has not been effective.

3. Popular prevention and response
The timely detection of yellow fever and rapid response to emergency vaccination activities is extremely important for epidemic control. However, insufficient reporting is a matter of concern. The actual number of cases is estimated to be 10 to 250 times the number of cases reported today.

WHO recommends that each country with an infection risk establish at least one national laboratory for basic yellow fever blood testing. An outbreak can be considered if a confirmed case of yellow fever occurs in an unvaccinated population. In any case, if a confirmed case occurs, a thorough investigation must be conducted. The investigation team must evaluate the outbreak and take urgent measures to establish a longer-term immunization plan.

WHO response
In 2016, two related yellow fever urban outbreaks occurred in Luanda (Angola) and Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and international spread from Angola to other countries including China. This suggests that yellow fever poses a serious threat on a global scale and requires new strategic thinking. The “Strategy for Eliminating Yellow Fever Outbreak” was developed to address the increased threat of yellow fever urban outbreaks and international spread. Under the guidance of WHO, UNICEF and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, the Yellow Fever Elimination Strategy supports 40 countries and involves more than 50 partners.

The Strategy for Eliminating the Yellow Fever Outbreak is guided by the following three strategic objectives:

Protecting risk groups;
Prevent the international spread of yellow fever;
Quickly curb the epidemic.
To achieve these goals, we need the following five aspects of capacity support:

Affordable vaccines and sustainable vaccine markets;
Strong political commitment at the global, regional and national levels;
High-level governance and long-term cooperation;
Collaborate with other health programmes and departments;
Research and develop better tools and practices.
The Strategy for Eliminating the Yellow Fever Epidemic is a comprehensive strategy of diversity and multi-partners. In addition to the proposed vaccination campaign, the strategy also calls for the establishment of resilient urban health centres, planning for urban preparedness and strengthening the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005).

The Partnership for Eliminating the Yellow Fever Outbreak Strategy supports yellow fever and high-risk countries in Africa and the Americas by strengthening their monitoring and laboratory capabilities to respond to yellow fever cases and outbreaks. Strategic partners strongly support the implementation and sustainability of routine immunization programmes and vaccination campaigns (preventive, early priority, reactive) whenever and wherever.

To ensure a rapid and effective response to the epidemic, the 6 million doses of the yellow fever vaccine emergency reserve funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization is continuously being supplemented. The contingency reserve is managed by WHO as the secretariat's International Coordination Group for Vaccine Supply.


20 Vaccine preventable diseases 2019

Vaccination is one of the greatest medical achievements of humanity. Thanks to the development of vaccines, we can also protect against diseases for which there are no alternative medications, for example against some viral diseases.

                          20 vaccine-preventable diseases


Effective vaccination programs have meant that most people in developed countries have never experienced the effects of vaccine-preventable diseases. Many people are therefore of the opinion that these diseases no longer pose a threat. In some countries, among other things, these ideas have led to less vaccination and the resurgence of infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and rubella.
Updated vaccination recommendations and training on the topic
Especially in the clinic and practice, the consistent vaccination of the staff to maintain the performance of outbreaks can contribute. Customers of our Basic Hygiene course for physicians, nurses, MFAs and emergency medical staff receive the most important information about topics such as influenza, rotavirus and norovirus via email in short learning sessions (microlearnings) throughout the year. We send them out before a season is expected, or as soon as an outbreak is announced. Of course, on request. Of course, this also includes the latest vaccination recommendations.

Thursday 19 September 2019


fitness model diet plan or weight gain plan and low calorie diet plan muscle building diet

There are no magic vegetables and fruits, there are no magic tablets, vitamins or exercise systems that will make you a great fighter and bodybuilder in a few minutes. If you want to live a full and healthy  then you have to spend time on getting in shape and staying in it. It will take a lot of your efforts, but it is feasible, especially if you take advantage of our simple but effective tips.

Cook in advance
A quick way to a healthy diet is the competent preparation of food on the weekend. Use the extra time you have on Saturday and Sunday to prepare large quantities of healthy meals that you can eat throughout the week. This will help to avoid the danger of a harmful snack, which lies in wait every time you did not eat normal food on time.
Variety of workouts
Diversity is the best way to improve your training results. If you work out on the same simulators all the time, then you will become bored with training, you will work less in the gym, but more to do nonsense and relax. Therefore, try to use the full range of training equipment. Let each workout be unique, and then you will never get bored.
Adjust your goals on the fitness tracker
 This is a pretty useful thing that helps you keep track of your sporting achievements. Also, thanks to him, you can adjust the Source of the article to a magazine from which everyone steals articles - their actions in order to achieve more progress and make the final goal more realistic. In other words, constantly monitoring the results makes you work harder, and it really helps.
Short bursts of activity
You have to deal with yourself outside the hall. For example, use the stairs, not the escalator, or get off the bus to a stop earlier, just to walk. Any activity is a good activity, it will be the source of the article is a magazine in which everyone steals articles - children urge you to do more efforts. If you live in a multi-storey building on the top floor, then you can run up the stairs every time you get home - this will pump your legs in a couple of months, even the hall will not come in handy.
Pay attention to visceral fat
Visceral fat accumulates inside, mainly around organs. It causes many diseases like some types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. Even if you are thin as a sliver, this does not mean that you do not have this fat, so we recommend that you pay regular attention to training that helps to cope with this type of fat. As a rule, this is an aerobic hardy training.
Take breaks between workouts
When you start practicing, you want to achieve everything at once, but nothing will come of it. If you train every day for ten days, then you quickly burn out - you get tired. Therefore, work out slowly - you still have time to build muscle. In addition, these same muscles need time to recover and grow.
The principles of a healthy life are simple - be active at least 150 minutes a week. This is enough not to swim with fat to the impossibility. By such activity we mean fast running, enhanced cycling, vigorous cardio workouts, and strength exercises. But if you want to pump your body, then you have to increase
Be friendly to your body
There is nothing worse in a training process than an injury. But many are themselves to blame for having received it. They worked hard, then reached the edge and decided to overcome themselves in order to improve the result. The result is an injury. We believe that you need to maintain sanity, especially when working with heavy weights. Trauma is always bad.
Eat fruits and vegetables
You need to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day - this will become the cornerstone of your health. And you should not focus only on fruits and vegetables. Eat different foods to get the full complex of vitamins and minerals. A good way to diversify your food is to eat fruits and vegetables of different colors.
Start to sleep normally
Modern men have a tendency - they boast that they sleep little. In fact, there is nothing cool about this. They do not get their 7 hours of sleep, which are necessary for a healthy lifestyle. It is these 7 hours that create the opportunity for a productive workout. In addition, the lack of adequate sleep provokes us to eat more fatty foods.

Increase your pace
If you run at the same speed, then this does not give your muscles enough stress for development. You need to change the pace to give extra load to the muscles. It is also better to take fewer steps per minute, so that the load goes not on the knee and hip joints, but on the muscles.
Try the exercise three times before abandoning it.
Some exercises are very difficult, but this is not a reason to abandon them immediately. The second attempt removes the novelty of sensations, although it does not eliminate the severity of the test. The third attempt makes it possible to correctly complete the exercise. If you have failed to do the exercise with three attempts, then give your body time and try again.
Count reps
This is a psychological trick that works not for everyone, but for many. Instead of counting sequentially, count the numbers in reverse order. Thus, your brain will think that you are not going to the end of the exercise, but to the beginning, which will help you make more approaches, regardless of what plan you have outlined.
Use street sports equipment
Exercising in the fresh air is a great way to exercise. And it's not just about running. You can use eaves for pulling up, tables, chairs, chains, ropes, wheels from large agricultural machinery, stones - there are a lot of options.
Keep statistics

Nothing improves motivation as effectively as signs of improvement that you can observe with your own eyes. It's hard to see them in the mirror, but on paper - really. Record your fitness achievements, use either an old-fashioned pen and paper for this application. The numbers will help you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.


Today, when many are concerned about weight loss, there are people who find it difficult to recover.

As a rule, the issue of weight gain in a short time is often of interest to boys and girls, i.e. adolescents whose calories are consumed most actively at this age.

Meanwhile, gaining weight in a week is not so difficult, and depends on what kind of weight gain you want to get.

Try to include high-calorie foods in your diet, which is also important for health, as Your diet should consist of healthy foods.

To add 1-2 kg. per week, you should pay close attention to your diet and not skip meals.

And the tips below will help you recover quickly in a shorter time.

Tips for getting better:

1. Increase your total calorie intake from 500 to 1000 calories per day. The amount of calories your body needs daily depends on your activity level, lifestyle, weight and gender, but as a rule, an additional 500 calories per day provides an increase of 0.5 - 1 kg of weight every week.

2. Eat more often. Try to eat five to six times a day - these are      2-3 snacks in addition to your three regular meals.

3. Increase your protein intake. Include protein-rich foods in your diet, such as meat, seafood, dairy, and nuts. Additionally, in your diet, you can add protein shakes and drink them 1.5-2 hours after eating ordinary food. For example, you get a 300-calorie smoothie if you mix frozen banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a glass of milk and a few ice cubes. You can add honey if you want to sweeten the cocktail.

4. Increasing the amount of unsaturated fat in your diet will help you gain weight. Unsaturated fats are found in fish, nuts, avocados and olive oil.

5. Find out how many calories per week you need to maintain your weight, and consume 1,000 more calories than you need to maintain weight. This can be done by simply increasing the size of the servings with meals, if you eat about 60-100 more calories for lunch and dinner.

6. To gain weight, add additional foods containing healthy fats to each meal, as they have a higher calorie density than proteins or carbohydrates. Sprinkle a piece of granola with walnuts (plus 180 calories), add a quarter of avocado to your sandwich (plus 70 calories) and pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil on your spaghetti.

7. During the day, make 2-3 snacks. Almonds, peanuts, or a bag of dried fruits that you can take with you to school or at work are well suited. And before going to bed, make yourself a cheese sandwich and drink it with warm milk, which will provide another 250 - 300 calories.
10. Do not forget about physical activity if you want to not just get fat, but to build muscle. Training in the gym aimed at building muscle will make your figure fit, and from eating fatty foods it will simply become loose.

And remember - your desire to gain weight quickly does not mean that your diet should always contain foods high in sugar and fat. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing heart disease and type II diabetes, as a result of the wrong choice of diet.

Although, in one week, such products do not significantly increase the risk of diseases, it is not worth developing bad habits that can persist at the end of this week.

Important! If you have experienced sudden weight loss, consult your doctor to rule out any medical reasons.

Wednesday 18 September 2019


what is hypertension (disease or medical condition) diagnose pathophysiology

It is said that there are quite a lot of people who have been left as it is, although they said that their blood pressure is a little higher in health checkups. However, recent research and research has shown that high blood pressure increases the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.
<Current high blood pressure standards>
Normal blood pressure
Maximum blood pressure less than 130 and minimum blood pressure less than 85
Normal high blood pressure
Maximum blood pressure 130-139, or minimum blood pressure 85-89
High blood pressure
Maximum blood pressure 140 or higher, or minimum blood pressure 90 or higher
In contrast, in the United States, the review of high blood pressure standards has begun.
According to the 7th guideline of the US Joint Committee on Hypertension reported in May 2003, “high blood pressure 120-139 or minimum blood pressure 80-89” is defined as prehypertension. In other words, the standards for high blood pressure are strict, and people who have “high blood pressure” need some kind of measures (treatment and guidance for improving their lives) 

 The US Cardiopulmonary Blood Research Institute also has a high blood pressure reserve in the range of “maximum blood pressure 120-139, minimum blood pressure 80-89” and it is necessary to control blood pressure by diet and exercise. High blood pressure is the greatest risk of myocardial infarction
There are currently 34 million people with high blood pressure in need of treatment in Japan. In particular, at age 30 and over, 51.7% of men and 39.7% of women are estimated to have high blood pressure.
The fear of high blood pressure is that one day, a person may suddenly have a stroke of myocardial infarction or stroke, despite having few subjective symptoms. The risk factors for myocardial infarction and stroke have traditionally been “hypertension, smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia”, and recent studies have shown that hypertension is the greatest risk. For example, in the case of myocardial infarction, the risk of a person with high blood pressure is about 4.8 times that of a person with normal blood pressure (* 2).
Therefore, in Japan, the main theme is how to control blood pressure at the stage of “high blood pressure” prior to myocardial infarction or stroke.
(* 2) According to Kumamoto University's survey of 1000 patients with acute myocardial infarction, the highest risk is high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

The main cause of high blood pressure is diet
A review of the causes of high blood pressure has also begun. The causes of high blood pressure can be broadly divided into “inheritance” and “lifestyle”. Traditionally, these two influences have been halved.
Recently, however, the influence of lifestyle habits has been set at 60%. Lifestyle is more likely to cause high blood pressure than genetic factors such as the constitution inherited from parents.
Among the lifestyle habits, diet is particularly important. In relation to high blood pressure, the influence of excessive salt intake has been pointed out for some time. This is because salt has the effect of increasing blood pressure in the body.
In addition, the effects of obesity have recently attracted attention, and overeating (calorie over) has been highlighted as a cause of high blood pressure. It has been found that when obesity progresses by eating too much, a hormone called leptin accumulates in fat cells, which increases blood pressure

Therefore, taking too much salt and preventing excess calories are the two pillars of preventing and improving high blood pressure in the diet.
 Leptin is a typical hormone derived from mast cells and has a function to control appetite. Recent studies have shown that leptin is associated with obesity as well as many other diseases such as hypertension and osteoporosis.


The bacteria have a particularly unfavorable effect when they produce a specific antigen.

Helicobacter pylori infections are considered a risk factor for gastric cancer. In a large population-based cohort study, this relationship should be re-examined. The results appeared in the journal International Journal of Cancer.

About nine in ten of all malignant gastric tumors that are not at the esophagus (cardia) and two out of ten malignancies at the esophagus junction are believed to be due to Helicobacter pylori infection. If the gastric mucosa is permanently colonized by the bacteria, a chronic gastritis may develop in which the gastric glands gradually regress (chronic atrophic gastritis). A role is obviously played by the CagA antigen formed by the bacteria.

The current study involved 9,949 participants who were followed for an average of almost 14 years. There were 30 cases of gastric cancer and 33 cases of esophageal cancer during this period. Researchers investigated how frequently Helicobacter pylori infections occurred and if they were associated with gastric and esophageal cancers.

Thus, infection with Helicobacter pylori was associated with a roughly three-fold increased risk of gastric cancer. If only the tumors that were not in the area of ​​the cardia were considered, the risk was already increased five-fold. When CagA antigen was formed in Helicobacter pylori infection, the risk of non-cardiac gastric cancer was 18-fold higher.

The data collected in the study could be used to potentially initiate early detection screening for the most vulnerable. And the treatment recommendations could also be influenced, the study authors concluded.

Tuesday 17 September 2019


What is ebola virus disease (disease or medical condition) ebola cure and symptoms

                                      Ebola virus disease

What is EBOLA?
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), or Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) is a disease caused by the Ebola virus.Symptoms usually start two days to three weeks after the virus enters the body, with fever, sore throat, muscle aches, headache and the like.Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are typical, with fever accompanied by decreased liver and kidney function and multiple organ failure.At the very end, there is bleeding from numerous openings and on the internal organs, which in many cases leads to death.
How is EBOLA transferred?
Spreading through the air is not documented in the natural environment. When a person becomes infected, the disease can spread to humans, very easily and very quickly leading to a worldwide pandemic.In order to make an accurate diagnosis, other diseases with similar symptoms such as malaria, cholera and other viral haemorrhagic fever should usually be excluded.Blood samples can then be tested for viral antibodies, viral RNA, or the virus itself to confirm the diagnosis.Prevention involves reducing the spread of disease from infected monkeys and bats to humans. Properly cooking meat and wearing protective clothing can also be helpful when handling meat.Special care should be taken with samples of body fluids and tissues from infected persons.There is no specific treatment for the disease; Efforts are only to assist people who are infected and include the administration of infusions or oral rehydration therapy. There are no specific therapies, and only to relieve the symptoms and signs of the disease. In patients who bleed, blood transfusions and blood preparations are given.
How Much Is Mortality From EBOLE?
The disease has a high mortality rate, between 50% and 90%. Ebola was first identified in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The disease usually occurs in epidemics in tropical regions of sub-Saharan Africa. From 1976 (when it was first identified) to 2013, fewer than 1,000 people a year were infected with the ovum virus. Since the beginning of 2014, EBOLA has been expanding worldwide, with cases in the Balkans. The first death occurred in Macedonia, and a large number of people are quarantined due to suspected EBOLA.
Signs and Symptoms of EBOLE?
Ebola usually starts abruptly with flu-like symptoms characterized by fatigue, fever, headache, and muscle, joint, and abdominal pain.Vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite are also common. Less commonly, symptoms include: sore throat, chest pain, hiccups, short and shortness of breath, and difficulty swallowing.The average time between onset of infection and onset of symptoms is 8 to 10 days, but may occur between 2 and 21 days.Cutaneous manifestations may include maculopapulose wasp (in about 50% of cases).Early symptoms of EVD may be similar to those of malaria, dengue, or other tropical fevers, before the disease progresses to the bleeding stage.In the bleeding stage, internal bleeding and subcutaneous bleeding can occur in the form of redness of the eyes and bloody vomiting, bleeding stools, or black stools.Bleeding in the skin can produce petechiae, purpura, ecchymoses and hematomas (especially around the needle after drug administration, or after infusion).EVD is caused by four of the five viruses classified in the genus Ebolavirus, a family of the order Filoviridae Mononegavirales. These four types of viruses are Bundibugio virus (BDBV), Ebola virus (EBOV), Sudan virus (SUDV), tai forest virus (TAFV). The fifth virus, Reston virus (RESTV), is not thought to cause disease in humans.It is not entirely clear how Ebola is spreading. Human-to-human transmission occurs through contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person, or through contact with contaminated medical equipment, especially needles and syringes. Seed fluid is contagious in survivors up to 50 days. .

How is Ebola diagnosed?
Medical history, especially travel to regions where infection is present, is very important for diagnosis..Virus isolation by cell culture, viral RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection, and protein detection (ELISA) assay are effective tests for disease detection.Detection of antibodies against the virus is effective in diagnosing later in the course of the disease, as well as in people who have healed.Quarantine, also known as forced isolation, is usually effective in reducing the spread of infection. There is no vaccine currently available.If an infected person survives, recovery can be quick and complete.Complications after the disease are possible, such as testicular inflammation, joint pain