Health Care Clinic




Thursday 19 September 2019

fitness model diet plan or weight gain plan and low calorie diet plan muscle building diet

There are no magic vegetables and fruits, there are no magic tablets, vitamins or exercise systems that will make you a great fighter and bodybuilder in a few minutes. If you want to live a full and healthy  then you have to spend time on getting in shape and staying in it. It will take a lot of your efforts, but it is feasible, especially if you take advantage of our simple but effective tips.

Cook in advance
A quick way to a healthy diet is the competent preparation of food on the weekend. Use the extra time you have on Saturday and Sunday to prepare large quantities of healthy meals that you can eat throughout the week. This will help to avoid the danger of a harmful snack, which lies in wait every time you did not eat normal food on time.
Variety of workouts
Diversity is the best way to improve your training results. If you work out on the same simulators all the time, then you will become bored with training, you will work less in the gym, but more to do nonsense and relax. Therefore, try to use the full range of training equipment. Let each workout be unique, and then you will never get bored.
Adjust your goals on the fitness tracker
 This is a pretty useful thing that helps you keep track of your sporting achievements. Also, thanks to him, you can adjust the Source of the article to a magazine from which everyone steals articles - their actions in order to achieve more progress and make the final goal more realistic. In other words, constantly monitoring the results makes you work harder, and it really helps.
Short bursts of activity
You have to deal with yourself outside the hall. For example, use the stairs, not the escalator, or get off the bus to a stop earlier, just to walk. Any activity is a good activity, it will be the source of the article is a magazine in which everyone steals articles - children urge you to do more efforts. If you live in a multi-storey building on the top floor, then you can run up the stairs every time you get home - this will pump your legs in a couple of months, even the hall will not come in handy.
Pay attention to visceral fat
Visceral fat accumulates inside, mainly around organs. It causes many diseases like some types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. Even if you are thin as a sliver, this does not mean that you do not have this fat, so we recommend that you pay regular attention to training that helps to cope with this type of fat. As a rule, this is an aerobic hardy training.
Take breaks between workouts
When you start practicing, you want to achieve everything at once, but nothing will come of it. If you train every day for ten days, then you quickly burn out - you get tired. Therefore, work out slowly - you still have time to build muscle. In addition, these same muscles need time to recover and grow.
The principles of a healthy life are simple - be active at least 150 minutes a week. This is enough not to swim with fat to the impossibility. By such activity we mean fast running, enhanced cycling, vigorous cardio workouts, and strength exercises. But if you want to pump your body, then you have to increase
Be friendly to your body
There is nothing worse in a training process than an injury. But many are themselves to blame for having received it. They worked hard, then reached the edge and decided to overcome themselves in order to improve the result. The result is an injury. We believe that you need to maintain sanity, especially when working with heavy weights. Trauma is always bad.
Eat fruits and vegetables
You need to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day - this will become the cornerstone of your health. And you should not focus only on fruits and vegetables. Eat different foods to get the full complex of vitamins and minerals. A good way to diversify your food is to eat fruits and vegetables of different colors.
Start to sleep normally
Modern men have a tendency - they boast that they sleep little. In fact, there is nothing cool about this. They do not get their 7 hours of sleep, which are necessary for a healthy lifestyle. It is these 7 hours that create the opportunity for a productive workout. In addition, the lack of adequate sleep provokes us to eat more fatty foods.

Increase your pace
If you run at the same speed, then this does not give your muscles enough stress for development. You need to change the pace to give extra load to the muscles. It is also better to take fewer steps per minute, so that the load goes not on the knee and hip joints, but on the muscles.
Try the exercise three times before abandoning it.
Some exercises are very difficult, but this is not a reason to abandon them immediately. The second attempt removes the novelty of sensations, although it does not eliminate the severity of the test. The third attempt makes it possible to correctly complete the exercise. If you have failed to do the exercise with three attempts, then give your body time and try again.
Count reps
This is a psychological trick that works not for everyone, but for many. Instead of counting sequentially, count the numbers in reverse order. Thus, your brain will think that you are not going to the end of the exercise, but to the beginning, which will help you make more approaches, regardless of what plan you have outlined.
Use street sports equipment
Exercising in the fresh air is a great way to exercise. And it's not just about running. You can use eaves for pulling up, tables, chairs, chains, ropes, wheels from large agricultural machinery, stones - there are a lot of options.
Keep statistics

Nothing improves motivation as effectively as signs of improvement that you can observe with your own eyes. It's hard to see them in the mirror, but on paper - really. Record your fitness achievements, use either an old-fashioned pen and paper for this application. The numbers will help you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.


Today, when many are concerned about weight loss, there are people who find it difficult to recover.

As a rule, the issue of weight gain in a short time is often of interest to boys and girls, i.e. adolescents whose calories are consumed most actively at this age.

Meanwhile, gaining weight in a week is not so difficult, and depends on what kind of weight gain you want to get.

Try to include high-calorie foods in your diet, which is also important for health, as Your diet should consist of healthy foods.

To add 1-2 kg. per week, you should pay close attention to your diet and not skip meals.

And the tips below will help you recover quickly in a shorter time.

Tips for getting better:

1. Increase your total calorie intake from 500 to 1000 calories per day. The amount of calories your body needs daily depends on your activity level, lifestyle, weight and gender, but as a rule, an additional 500 calories per day provides an increase of 0.5 - 1 kg of weight every week.

2. Eat more often. Try to eat five to six times a day - these are      2-3 snacks in addition to your three regular meals.

3. Increase your protein intake. Include protein-rich foods in your diet, such as meat, seafood, dairy, and nuts. Additionally, in your diet, you can add protein shakes and drink them 1.5-2 hours after eating ordinary food. For example, you get a 300-calorie smoothie if you mix frozen banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a glass of milk and a few ice cubes. You can add honey if you want to sweeten the cocktail.

4. Increasing the amount of unsaturated fat in your diet will help you gain weight. Unsaturated fats are found in fish, nuts, avocados and olive oil.

5. Find out how many calories per week you need to maintain your weight, and consume 1,000 more calories than you need to maintain weight. This can be done by simply increasing the size of the servings with meals, if you eat about 60-100 more calories for lunch and dinner.

6. To gain weight, add additional foods containing healthy fats to each meal, as they have a higher calorie density than proteins or carbohydrates. Sprinkle a piece of granola with walnuts (plus 180 calories), add a quarter of avocado to your sandwich (plus 70 calories) and pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil on your spaghetti.

7. During the day, make 2-3 snacks. Almonds, peanuts, or a bag of dried fruits that you can take with you to school or at work are well suited. And before going to bed, make yourself a cheese sandwich and drink it with warm milk, which will provide another 250 - 300 calories.
10. Do not forget about physical activity if you want to not just get fat, but to build muscle. Training in the gym aimed at building muscle will make your figure fit, and from eating fatty foods it will simply become loose.

And remember - your desire to gain weight quickly does not mean that your diet should always contain foods high in sugar and fat. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing heart disease and type II diabetes, as a result of the wrong choice of diet.

Although, in one week, such products do not significantly increase the risk of diseases, it is not worth developing bad habits that can persist at the end of this week.

Important! If you have experienced sudden weight loss, consult your doctor to rule out any medical reasons.

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