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Monday 16 September 2019

treatment and causes of skin pigmentation on the legs how to get rid of dark spots easily

treatment and causes of skin pigmentation on the legs how to get rid of dark spots easily

Pigment spots appearing on the legs are an unpleasant defect, which is very difficult to hide in the warm season. This is especially true for women who are unable to wear short skirts and dresses. Before getting rid of pigmentation of the skin on the legs, you need to establish the causes of its appearance, and for this you need to go to a specialist.
Types of entities
The color of the skin is affected by the pigment that is present in the cells of the dermis. Various factors have a direct effect on this indicator. In the case of pigmentation, we are talking about melanin - it is he who gives the skin a brown tint. Excess of this substance provokes the formation of spots, which have different sizes, color and localization.
There are several types of neoplasms:

Freckles. Small brownish spots. Usually they can be seen in open areas of the body, they are rare on the legs. The main reason is exposure to sunlight.

Moles. Congenital pathology. Such spots do not form immediately, but as they grow older, they can have any size and shape.

Lentigo. Hyperpigmentation that occurs against the background of severe pathologies under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Usually it is localized on the face, hands and body, but it also happens on the legs.

Chloasma. Dark spots that form with increased production of melanin. They have a clear shape, are on the face, limbs, abdomen, nipples. Often, formations appear during pregnancy, and after childbirth disappear on their own

The causes of the disease
In women and men, age spots appear on the legs for a variety of reasons. Usually completely unsafe. For example, moles and freckles are considered harmless. In women, the appearance of pigmentation is facilitated by factors such as:

hormonal changes during pregnancy;
wearing synthetic clothing and tight shoes;
frequent depilation or shaving of the legs.
Such spots usually pass on their own or disappear after elimination of the main irritant. That is why they are considered non-hazardous. But sometimes pigmentation poses a threat, as it can develop into cancer or signals the development of a serious pathology. Therefore, it is very important to establish the causes of problems. It can be:

hereditary factor;
disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system - manifested by foot hyperhidrosis, accompanied by the appearance of spots on the foot and severe sweating of the legs;
hormonal disruptions;
poor blood circulation;
lack of vitamins;
prolonged use of certain medications;
endocrine disorders;
allergic reactions to toxic substances;
tumor processes;
cardiovascular diseases;
injuries of the skin;
long exposure to ultraviolet and other rays.
Danger of stains for men
Representatives of the stronger sex rarely pay attention to the changed color of the skin of the legs and do not consider it something dangerous. This attitude leads to the development of serious consequences. Usually men do not shave their legs and do not use cosmetics. Therefore, the formation of spots indicates a malfunction in the body:

If pigmentation is accompanied by abdominal or lower back pain, fatigue, or a change in the color of urine, kidney or liver damage may occur.
The appearance of spots on the foot and heavy sweating indicates foot hyperhidrosis. This is a violation of the nervous system, requiring compulsory treatment.
If other symptoms are absent, the problem may be due to wearing tight clothing, low physical activity, and other factors.
It is important to remember that any changes in skin tone can be a manifestation of pathology. But if in women such phenomena can be explained by the use of cosmetics, this cannot be said of men. Typically, hyperpigmentation that occurs on the legs of the stronger sex signals serious violations or the influence of harmful factors in the workplace.

Before treating brown spots that appear on the legs of men and women, the cause of their appearance should be determined. If hyperpigmentation develops against the background of pathology, it is necessary to conduct appropriate therapy, as well as eliminate all irritating factors.
It is important to remember that any changes in skin tone can be a manifestation of pathology. But if in women such phenomena can be explained by the use of cosmetics, this cannot be said of men. Typically, hyperpigmentation that occurs on the legs of the stronger sex signals serious violations or the influence of harmful factors in the workplace.


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  2. Thank you for sharing information. Wonderful blog & good post. It’s really helpful for me, waiting for a more new post. Keep Blogging!

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