Health Care Clinic




Saturday 25 May 2019

Healthy skin 6 secrets for a healthy and radiant skin

Healthy skin 6 secrets for a healthy and radiant skin

Unlike your other organs, you can apply medications, moisturizers and other potions directly to your skin. There is therefore no reason not to have beautiful skin throughout your life, especially if you follow these tips.

Like the inner parts of your body, your skin can be healthy or sick. Aging, in particular, makes the skin thinner and drier. Although you can not control your age, you can control many other factors, such as poor nutrition and smoking.
..Cook with garlic every day
One study found that skin cells cultured in the laboratory and treated with garlic had a lifespan seven times higher than cells grown in a standard way. They also tended to look healthier and younger than untreated cells. In addition, garlic extract significantly inhibited the growth of cancer cells in the skin.
..Install darkening blinds in your bedroom
They will help you avoid sleep disturbances or insomnia caused by ambient light.

Sleep is essential to the health of your skin because the majority of cellular repair and regeneration occurs while you are asleep. If you do not rest enough, your skin can not be renewed.
..Concoctez a natural vaporizer
These oils are perfect for moisturizing the skin.
To make a herbal spray, mix a few drops of essential oil with water in a small spray bottle and spray the solution on your face every time your skin needs a little boost.
Your skin is more supple when hydrated. A vaporization thus makes it possible to ward off forehead wrinkles and general expression wrinkles.
In addition, the moisturizer keeps pollutants away and retains natural lubricants from your skin.
An added bonus: your makeup will last longer and be more natural.
..So sweat the toxins
Go running, bike or garden on a hot day ... do anything that could make you sweat.

Sweating is the natural way to eliminate the toxic chemicals that can form under the skin.
In addition, regular exercise maintains good blood circulation throughout the body, including your skin.
If you are exercising outdoors, however, remember to apply a sunscreen on your face that will protect you from UVA and UVB rays or a moisturizer with sunscreen.
..Eat salmon
Grill salmon with olive oil and sprinkle with toasted and crushed nuts.

Your skin will benefit from a healthy dose of poly and mono-unsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Studies suggest that they can reduce sun damage and skin aging.
By extension, make sure that olive oil is the main source of fat in your kitchen every day, and try to eat salmon twice a week.
..Dry tea
Infuse a carafe of tea, let it cool, place it in the refrigerator and drink it all day.

..Tea, as you probably know, is a good source of antioxidants, the molecules that fight the damage of free radicals caused by sun exposure and smoking.
..A study, for example, found people who drink a lot of tea (especially tea with lemon) are less likely to develop squamous cell cancer.

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